Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Cheerleaders: Improved

Certainly the voice of some select lot has been heard and pretty pom pom girls have adorned slacks.Unfair for the dancing dolls. I wonder how they feel dancing with slacks and sweating as well .Where are we heading to with the IPL matches not even half way through?
Are we going to see more dress changes , yes, may be.Whatever happens but one thing is certain,the debate on cultural changes , dress code and dancing style of item girls , cabaret dancers and some TV artists on one side visa a vis Cheerleaders on the other has taken off. Lets wait and watch the outcome.

The tempo of dancing has surely reduced and at times just appears mechanical without emotions and the spirit of earlier days.Who is to be blamed for that?Slacks of course and one thing is for sure .......the tempo will fade out and i feel most of the pom pom girls will drop out coz they no longer would enjoy dancing

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