Monday, January 3, 2011


BIG BOSS 4 has entered the final week....(thank god)..without much of fanfare mainly because of drab/lack lustre/pathetic display of behavior and conduct by all the inmates.

None of them deserves to be a winner. All are either classic failures in their respective careers /profession or have had a troublesome life (why couldn’t Big Boss muster clean, good and responsible character out of real life).They have failed to impact the audiences positively (good character) for the entire span of reality show. Everyone behaved in a timid manner, too scared to showcase their true reactions or feelings at anytime. Now, i understand MONEY POWER, hhm it can control display of true comradeship( which was obviously lacking ).

The show must end with a winner. Who will be the winner? Well, Khali is a wooden horse who has recently started erupting like a volcano and stands no chance. Dolly has been planted by BB to continue in the rat race till the end( she won’t win and she knows it).

That leaves either Shweta or Ashmit,,,, with the former edging past the latter.

That’s it. The end,,, of the worst ever BB screened.

Clap Clap please.

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